Sunday, March 18, 2007


A wee note to all those who have tried to leave comments. I have adjusted my preferences so anyone can post comments, not just registered users. Thanks to my friend Aaron I may now hear a few more responses, look forward to them.


Anonymous said...

It's Jarret here..... I saw HJ & Nancy yesterday in Mama's restaurant in Almonte... They put me on to your blog.... Wow looks like life is so fun.. I wish I could be taking some of it in with you... I miss you a lot brother... I hope we can connect again soon... Superfantastico on the bird photo's.... Norther Flicker " NICE"

Future Aztec Man said...

go see the Great Lake Swimmers at
Mar. 30 Calgary AB @ Liberty Lounge
Mar. 31 Canmore AB @ Canmore Hotel