Friday, May 11, 2007

Spotted Sandpiper

American Kestrel

Shot at dusk.

Beaverhill Lake - Beaverhill Bird Observatory

This is funny. I almost drove 4 hours to a lake that no longer exists. Next time you research something online, make sure it is an up to date website. Apparently Beaverhill Lake has not had any water in it for the last 5 or so years. They don't know why, there are theories, but it dried up, or is drying up...?? There is luckily some water in it this year. I'm not sure if it was completely dried up at one point or not. It's interesting, I'll have to find out more. Imagine how disappointed I would have been to walk up on a dried lake!!! lol

Party time

Tree swallows, barn swallows, bank swallows and who knows what else. It's a big pile to swallow.....?? Lame attempt at a pun. You wouldn't think I was the son of John, lol.


Sharp-shinned Hawk

Notice in the second photo; long, thin leg dangling.


In the lush, plush brush I spotted a thrush in a rush to not be seen much! Not sure yet what type and This has proven to be a very difficult bird to identify for certain. At the moment I am thinking it is a hermit thrush. Tough identifications, I find, are best tackled using a process of elimination. Choises left are: hermit thrush, swainson's thrush, grey-cheecked thrush and veery. The hermit thrush is the only thrush described with an olive-brown to russet-brown upperparts, as opposed to just olive-brown. This bird definately looks more russet-brown than olive-brown, which may be the deciding factor.

Blue-winged Teal

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Brown-headed Cowbird

These are the creepiest bird pics ever! Bird horror movie auditions winner. lol

Barn Swallow

Bank Swallow

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Couldn't see a female anywhere.

North American Badger

Tree Swallow

Not sure yet.....blury anyhow

Say's Phoebe